LETTER: Show strength of feeling at the polls

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I find it really difficult to ‘pen’ a message in support of UKIP sentiments but Graham Harper (WSCT 03/04/14) has got it right.

We can continue on complaining, petitioning, marching about whatever egregious decision HDC Councillors chooses to dump on its long suffering electorate, but nothing will happen, other than the Greedy Landowners and Greedy Developers will continue to pull the strings of their puppet council and the whole of Horsham and Southwater will be carpeted with unwanted and unsaleable properties.

Proof of the pointless value of engaging in the consultation process over development is there for all to see. Southwater did not want the 500 houses Berkeley Homes wanted to build. Luckily Berkeley Homes were listening to us and we’ll probably get 638 instead: lucky us.

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Nothing will stop the development of the Horsham area. There is too much money to be made and too many influential people making it.

So the only thing to do is to exact a penalty on those elected representatives who are complicit in the rape of our countryside.

Therefore at the District Council Elections you have to vote. Vote for anyone you like, no matter how looney or self-aggrandising ; UKIP, Socialist Workers Party, Keep Somewhere Green, anyone.

It really doesn’t matter who, for at least there will be the satisfaction of throwing the current Blighters out.

Oh and then we can do the same at the General Election.

Garry Jennings

Wealdon Close , Southwater